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Finding Rest in Illusion by Longchenpa


Kunkhyen Longchen Rablam, the omniscient Dharma King, is one of the greatest scholars and accomplished masters in the history of Tibetan Buddhism. Among his many precious and liberating teachings is the trilogy of Rest: Finding Rest in the Nature of Mind, Finding Rest in Meditation, and Finding rest in Illusion. These are perhaps the most studied texts in our lineage. In this series of online classes, we will discuss the last text, Finding Rest in Illusion. This sacred teaching grants direct insight in the nature of mind.

"Inspired by my root Guru, I have always had the genuine aspiration to practice Kunkhyen Longchenpa's teachings. I grew up studying these sacred texts, and from that gained clarity and inspiration for my own practice of Buddha Dharma. I consider it a great privilege to share these sacred teachings with you for the same purpose. I warmly welcome you to participate in this class. Let us have a great time together- for the benefit of all beings.

Teachings by

Tulku Orgyen Phunstok

Online Class Fall 2022

Nov. 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th

6-8pm PST

The text is widely available for purchase online. You may find it on the publisher's website.

The class will be recorded and available

for replay for a week after each class.

Registration is closed


May All Beings Benefit!!!

Dorje Drolöd Retreat with Tsok
May 6th-8th 2022

Dorje Drolo.jpeg

Teachings, Transmission and Practice


The practice of Dorje Drolöd, a wrathful manifestation of Guru Rinpoche, is known as one of the most effective methods for dispelling outer, inner, and secret obstacles on our spiritual path.


Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche requests that you attend the teaching and transmission (lung) of Dorje Drolöd Sadhana on Friday evening in order to receive the text and participate in the weekend practice.

Friday May 6, 6-8PM PST

Teaching and Transmission (a must).

Saturday May 7, 9:30-12noon & 2:00-5:00 PST

Practice and Tsok

Sunday May 8, 9:30-12noon & 2:00-5:00 PM PST

Practice and Tsok


Please complete your registration before May 4th to ensure timely reception of zoom information and to give us enough time to set up at the center for sangha member wishing to participate in person.

Sorry Registration is closed

May All Beings Benefit!!!

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