Dorje Drolod Retreat
May 9-11th 2025

Dorje Drolod is a wrathful manifestation of Guru Rinpoche and the practice of Dorje Drolod is known as one of the most effective methods for dispelling outer, inner and secret obstacles on our spiritual path.
Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche requested that you attend the teaching and transmission of Dorje Drolo sadhana on Friday evening in order to receive the text and participate in the weekend practice.
Tsok will be included in the last afternoon session on both days of the weekend.
Friday May 9th
Dorje Drolod Teachings and Transmission
6-8pm PST
Saturday & Sunday May 10th-11th
Sadhana practice with Tsok
9:00am-12noon and 2-5pm
1524 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara, CA.
Online via Zoom (link will be sent on May 8th to registered participants, the email used will be the one use at checkout)
May all Beings benefit!!
2024 Annual Thanksgiving Chöd Retreat
Throma Ngondro and Lujin practices
Throma practice of medium length Sadhana with Tsok

Throma Ngondro is a very effective practice for purification, accumulation of merit, and for receiving blessings of the Three Kaya Wisdom Dakinis.
Lüjin or Four Feasts practices are profound methods of cutting ego clinging to self as well as letting go of grasping at all outer phenomena.
Lüjin practice provides a perfect condition through which one can generate relative Bodhicitta, caring for all beings, and absolute Bodhicitta, the recognition of the nature of reality.
Friday November 29th
Throma Ngondro and Lujin's Teachings and Transmission
Saturday & Sunday November 30th& December 1st
Troma Sadhana practice with Tsok
9:00am-12noon and 2-5pm
1524 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara, CA.
Online via Zoom
is closed
Vajrakilaya Retreat Oct 25-27th 2024
The wrathful Heruka Vajrakilaya embodies the enlightened activity of all the Buddhas. Yidam deity practice of Vajrakilaya is a very powerful practice for removing obstacles at all levels.
Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche will lead the retreat, which will include transmission (Oct. 25th 6-8pm pst), and in depth teachings and Sadhana practices of Vajrakilaya.
Friday, Oct. 25th 6-8pm PST
Teaching and transmission of Vajrakilaya Sadhana
Saturday, Oct. 26th 9am -12noon. 2-5pm PST
Sunday, Oct. 27th 9am -12noon. 2-5pm PST
Practice and Conclusion
The retreat will be held both online and in person at the Santa Barbara Center
Registration is now closed. deadline is Oct 24th to ensure attendees receive texts and Zoom link on time.

Nyung Ne Retreat
May 25th 2024
Nyung Ne is a powerful healing practice of the thousand Arm Chenrezig. It is the ultimate practice for purification from ordinary states of being to awakening and is also in line with traditional rites of spring cleansing. Our natural mind itself is pure; Nyung Ne purifies our mental impurities, our conflicting emotions, and dualistic view so we can gain a greater glimpse of wisdom.
At the beginning of the practice: one takes refuge, generate bodhicitta, and vows to maintain silence as well as recite the Sahana and mantra of compassion.
A light vegetarian lunch will be provided after that you will vow to fast till sunrise next day.
While it is common for non-vegetarian practitioners to abstain from meat for the full month of Saga Dawa, Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche has specifically requested that all participants maintain a vegetarian diet for Saturday including breakfast.
Saturday May 25th
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon / 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
1524 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara, CA.
Online via Zoom (link will be sent on May 24th to registered participants)
May all Beings benefit!!

Dorje Drolod Retreat
March 22-24th 2024

Dorje Drolod is a wrathful manifestation of Guru Rinpoche and the practice of Dorje Drolod is known as one of the most effective methods for dispelling outer, inner and secret obstacles on our spiritual path.
Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche requested that you attend the teaching and transmission of Dorje Drolo sadhana on Friday evening in order to receive the text and participate in the weekend practice.
Tsok will be included in the last afternoon session on both days of the weekend.
Friday March 22nd
Dorje Drolod Teachings and Transmission
6-8pm PST
Saturday & Sunday March 23rd-24th
Sadhana practice with Tsok
9:00am-12noon and 2-5pm
1524 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara, CA.
Online via Zoom (link will be sent on March 19th to registered participants)
May all Beings benefit!!
2023 Annual Thanksgiving Chöd Retreat
Throma Ngondro and Lujin practices
Throma practice of medium length Sadhana with Tsok

Throma Ngondro is a very effective practice for purification, accumulation of merit, and for receiving blessings of the Three Kaya Wisdom Dakinis.
Lüjin or Four Feasts practices are profound methods of cutting ego clinging to self as well as letting go of grasping at all outer phenomena.
Lüjin practice provides a perfect condition through which one can generate relative Bodhicitta, caring for all beings, and absolute Bodhicitta, the recognition of the nature of reality.
Friday November 24th
Throma Ngondro and Lujin's Teachings and Transmission
Saturday & Sunday November 25&26th
Troma Sadhana practice with Tsok
9:00am-12noon and 2-5pm
1524 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara, CA.
Online via Zoom
Rigdzin Dupa, Guru Rinpoche Retreat
May 26-28th 2023

Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche will give transmission, teaching, and lead the practice and meditation on the Rigdzin Dupa, a Guru Rinpoche Sadhana.
This particular Guru practice known as the Display of Great Exaltation is a combined treasure revelations of Dudjom Lingpa and H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche.
Tulku Orgyen Rinpche holds a special connection to this sacred practice.
More information about him and this connection, please go to pemakoddharmawheel
Friday May 26th
Teachings and Transmission 6-8pm
Saturday & Sunday May 27&28th
9:00am-12 noon and 2-5pm
1524 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara, CA and online.
Registration is closed
Please note
After registration, PayPal will thank you for registering which acts as your confirmation of payment. You will receive the zoom link and all other relevant information the day before the retreat starts. We suggest a $108 contribution however no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
May this benefit all sentient beings!!!
Wisdom Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal Retreat
with Tsedrup Longevity Practice
April 14-16th 2023
Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche will give transmission, teaching, and lead the practice and meditation of theWisdom of the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal.
Rinpoche was introduced to this practice at a young age and has devoted several personal retreats immersed in this practice. During his previous incarnation as Togden Kunzang Longdrol, an accomplished adept in this practice, he requested H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche to write the Dikini Aspiration Prayer known as "An Aspiration to Practice The Gradual Path of The Dakini's Heart Essence." This aspiration prayer always remains part of the Heart Essence of the Dakini practice. At this weekend retreat Rinpoche will give teachings based on this aspiration prayer.
Registration closes on April 12th
Friday April 14th
Teachings and Transmission 6-8pm
Saturday & Sunday April 15&16th
Practice with Tsok
9:00am-12 noon and 2-5pm
1524 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara, CA and online.
Registration is now closed

May All Beings Benefit.
2022 Annual Thanksgiving Chöd Retreat
Throma Ngondro and Lujin practices
Throma practice of medium length Sadhana with Tsok

Throma Ngondro is a very effective practice for purification, accumulation of merit, and for receiving blessings of the Three Kaya Wisdom Dakinis.
Lüjin or Four Feasts practices are profound methods of cutting ego clinging to self as well as letting go of grasping at all outer phenomena.
Lüjin practice provides a perfect condition through which one can generate relative Bodhicitta, caring for all beings, and absolute Bodhicitta, the recognition of the nature of reality.
Friday November 25th
Throma Ngondro and Lujin's Teachings and Transmission
Saturday & Sunday November 26&27th
Troma Sadhana practice with Tsok
9:30am - 12 noon and 2 – 4pm
1524 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara, CA.
Registration is closed
Vajrakilaya Retreat Oct 28-30th 2022
The wrathful Heruka Vajrakilaya embodies the enlightened activity of all the Buddhas. Yidam deity practice of Vajrakilaya is a very powerful practice for removing obstacles at all levels.
Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche will lead the retreat, which will include transmission (Oct. 28th 6-8pm pst), in depth teachings and Sadhana practices of Vajrakilaya.
Friday, Oct. 28th 6-8pm PST
Teaching and transmission of Vajrakilaya Sadhana
Saturday, Oct. 29th 9:30am -12noon. 2-5pm PST
Sunday, Oct. 30th 9:30am -12noon. 2-5pm PST
Practice and Conclusion
The retreat will be held both online and in person at the Santa Barbara Center
Registration for online participation is now closed.
Registration deadline is Oct 25th to ensure attendees receive texts and Zoom link on time.

May All Beings Benefit.
In Person Fundraising Dinner event
to celebrate to activities of
Odiyana Charitable Society
The Odiyana Institute is hosting a dinner to fundraise for a very special project Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche is focusing on. This project will address the most pressing needs of people in the Arunachal and Assam regions of India and bring benefit to the bodies, minds and spirits of young and old alike.
We request your participation in this meritorious event by sending good thoughts, generating awareness of this type of ongoing work, and financially supporting the project by attending our Dinner.
Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche and Odiyana Institute welcome you and your friends to the dinner event to celebrate the good work of the project and learn more about its long term vision. We hope to raise $25,000 while having an enjoyable evening together celebrating what we value most, being of benefit to others.

Fundraising dinner will include a talk on the project's vision, slideshow with updates, silent auction, group Tibetan Circle Dance, and well prepared various Himalayan foods and drinks. Please come join us, the party is not the same without you!
If you cannot attend but would still like to make a general donation to this project,
click here for PayPal
or you can write a check made payable to Odiyana Institute and send to:
1524 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Odiyana Institute is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and we will send out a tax deductible receipt for all donations above 100 dollars.
Whether you are able to donate money or in-kind support, please consider giving with an open and compassionate heart.
If you wish to learn more about the project and Rinpoche's vision, visit Odiyana Charitable Society website.
May All Beings Benefit !!!
Dorje Drolo Weekend Practice 2020
Dorje Drolo Practice
March 7-8 2020
1524 Anacapa St
Santa Barbara, CA
Saturday, March 7th
10am to noon
2pm to 5pm
Sunday, March 8th
10am to noon
2pm to 5pm

2019 Annual Thanksgiving Chöd Retreat
Throma Ngondro and Lujin practices
Throma practice of medium length Sadhana with Tsok

Throma Ngondro is a very effective practice for purification, accumulation of merit, and for receiving blessings of the Three Kaya Wisdom Dakinis.
Lüjin or Four Feasts practices are profound methods of cutting ego clinging to self as well as letting go of grasping at all outer phenomena.
Lüjin practice provides a perfect condition through which one can generate relative Bodhicitta, caring for all beings, and absolute Bodhicitta, the recognition of the nature of reality.
Saturday November 30th
Throma Ngondro and Lujin's practice and teachings
9:30am - 12:00 Noon and 2:00pm – 5pm
Sunday December 1st
Troma Sadhana practice with Tsok
9:30am - 12:00 Noon and 2:00pm – 5pm
Rancho Embarcadero (EMID)
224 Vereda Leyenda, Goleta, CA 93117
Heart Essence of the Dakini Retreat
with Tsedrup Longevity Practice
September 14 & 15 2019
Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche will give transmission, teaching, and lead the practice and meditation of the Heart Essence of the Dakini Khandro Thugthig.
Rinpoche was introduced to this practice at a young age and has devoted several personal retreats immersed in this practice. During his previous incarnation as Togden Kunzang Longdrol, an accomplished adept in this practice, he requested H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche to write the Dikini Aspiration Prayer known as "An Aspiration to Practice The Gradual Path of The Dakini's Heart Essence." This aspiration prayer always remains part of the Heart Essence of the Dakini practice. At this weekend retreat Rinpoche will give teachings based on this aspiration prayer.
Saturday September 14th
9 AM-Noon
From 2-6pm
Sunday September 15th
9 AM-Noon

We welcome everyone to join us for our upcoming Ngondro weekend Retreat.
Ngondro is an essential practice in Vajrayana Buddhism which encompasses the basic practice of renunciation on through to the highest practice of Great Perfection.
Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche will give in-depth teachings and lead practice/meditation of Ngondro, concluding the retreat with a teaching on the Four Noble Truths along with a short Buddha puja.
Sunday August 4th is an auspicious day, Choekhor Duchen, Turning the Wheel of the Dharma day, in the Buddhist calendar.
August 3-4 Saturday and Sunday.
From 9:30-12 Noon & 2-5pm on both days.
Odiyana Institute
1524 Anacapa St Santa Barbara, CA
May All beings benefit.
His Holiness the 7th Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche was born in 1966 at Tongshang Thrichu Gonpa, Eastern Bhutan. His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa recognized the boy as the 7th Namkhai Nyingpo.
The first Namkhai Nyingpo was one of the close five heart sons and one of the twenty five principal disciples of Guru Padmasambhava. He was an accomplished master and was among the first seven to receive the ordination of monks in the eighth century. He was also the root Lama of the great Buddhist King Trisong Detsen. Subsequently, there have been many successive reincarnations of Namkhai Nyingpo including Treasure Revealers.
For more about his lineage, please see kharchu.com/lineage

July 19, 2019
Long Life Teachings and Empowerment
7:00- 9:00 pm
Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara
1535 Santa Barbara Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
July 18th
5:00 - 8:00pm
Open House Drop-In
to meet His Holiness
Odiyana Institute
1524 Anacapa St
Santa Barbara, CA
Everyone is welcome to this auspicious event.
$15 donation, no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Nyung Nay Retreat 2019
Celebrating Saga Dawa

Saturday June 8th, 9:30 to Noon, 2-5pm and 6-7:30pm
Sunday June 9th, 10 am
Teachings and Buddha Puja
1524 Anacapa St. Santa Barbara, California
Nyung Nay is a powerful healing practice of Thousand Arms Chenrezig, it involves taking vows of fasting and silence as well as recitation of Sadhana and the Mantra of compassion.
While it is common for non-vegetarian practitioners to abstain from meat for the full month of Saga Dawa, Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche has specifically requested that all participants maintain a vegetarian diet during this event.
Health permitting, please eat a light breakfast beforehand (no garlic, onions, meat nor eggs).
Any questions: please email odiyanasb@gmail.com or call: 805-776-8018
May all Beings Benefit.

Dorje Drolo Retreat 2019
Dorje Drolo Retreat
April 6-7 2019
1524 Anacapa St
Santa Barbara, CA
Saturday, April 6th
9:30am to noon
2pm to 5pm
Sunday, April 7th
9:30am to noon
2pm to 5pm

2018 Annual Thanksgiving Chöd Retreat
Throma Ngondro and Lujin practices
Throma practice of medium length Sadhana with Tsok

Throma Ngondro is a very effective practice for purification, accumulation of merit, and for receiving blessings of the Three Kaya Wisdom Dakinis. Lüjin or Four Feasts practices are profound methods of cutting ego clinging to self as well as letting go of grasping at all outer phenomena. Lüjin practice provides a perfect condition through which one can generate relative Bodhicitta, caring for all beings, and absolute Bodhicitta, the recognition of the nature of reality.
Saturday November 24th
Throma Ngondro and Lujin's practice and teachings
9:30am - 12:00 Noon and 2:00pm – 5pm
Sunday November 25th
Troma Sadhana practice with Tsok
9:30am - 12:00 Noon and 2:00pm – 5pm
Rancho Embarcadero (EMID)
224 Vereda Leyenda, Goleta, CA 93117
Teachings and Practices
We welcome everyone to our in depth teachings and practices of Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro led by Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche
November 10-11 2018:
Saturday: 10 to noon and 2 to 5
Sunday: 10 to noon
At the Center:
1524 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara

Mantra-thon for World Peace and Healing
September 14-16
Dear Sangha Members and Friends,
We are delighted to announce our 8th Annual Mantra-Thon, a Vajra Guru Mantra accumulation retreat conducted in the context of the Rigdzin Dupa Drupchod. Since we've just received empowerment of Rigdzin Dupa from H.H. Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche, this practice is specially relevant for us to our Samaya commitment.
During the Mantra-Thon, we hold the goal of completing 1 million Vajra Guru mantras during the three day period. A minimum of three practitioners shall remain present in the shrine room between practice sessions, continually reciting mantra. To sign up for mantra shifts in-between sessions, please contact us at: 3vajragurumantra@gmail.com.
Note: Due to our offsite location, we will NOT be holding a 24-hour mantra vigil this year. Shift signups are only needed from Noon to 3pm and from 5pm to 7pm.
Friday, Sept 14th
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Teaching on Lojong/Mind training and beginning of Mantra recitation.
Saturday Sept 15th
9:30 AM - Noon - Drupchod Practice of Rigdzin Dupa Sadhana/Mantra Recitation
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Mantra recitation and Practice w/Tsok
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM - Teaching on Transforming Happiness and Suffering into the path of enlightenment, Mantra recitation.
Sunday Sept 16th
9:30 AM - Noon - Practice of Rigdzin Dupa Sadhana / Mantra recitation.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM - Practice w/Tsok and Dedication ceremony.
Rancho Embarcadero (EMID)
224 Vereda Leyenda, Goleta, CA 93117
For information: Contact Aaron Joseph: jwlinthelotus@yahoo.com
Snacks and drinks will be available during and between practice sessions, available for everyone.
We have Tsok in the late afternoon on both Saturday and Sunday. You are also welcome to bring food or juice to contribute to these Tsoks and/or for the tea table.
As much as possible, please maintain an atmosphere of "Noble Silence" while on the grounds during the retreat.
Even if you are unable to physically attend the retreat due to distance, we request and encourage you to participate in the retreat by accumulating the OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG mantra at any time that is convenient for you. Our plan is to collectively complete 1 million Vajra Guru Mantras. To have your numbers included in the weekend total, please email them to jwlinthelotus@yahoo.com NO LATER THAN NOON ON SUNDAY, September 16th.
Please, to avoid confusion in the calculations, email only once, when you have completed your recitations for the entire retreat. Type "VG Mantra Totals" in the subject line and in the body of the email type ONLY the following information:
1) Your full name*
2) Total # number of mantras you recited*
3) [optional] Name of beneficiary for dedication of merit, to be read aloud at dedication ceremony. More than one beneficiary is OK.
*If you are submitting mantras on behalf of yourself AND another participant, enter both names in 1) and combine your individual totals into a single total in 2).
The Mantra-Thon/Drupchod will conclude with a dedication ceremony in which the names of all participants, sponsors and special prayer recipients will be read aloud, and the number of mantras accumulated will be tallied and announced.
May All Beings Benefit
Aug 18th & 19th

Venerable Khenpo Tsering Dorje Rinpoche
We at Odiyana Institute are very honored and pleased to announce that Venerable Khenpo Tsering Dorje Rinpoche will be visiting Santa Barbara and will teach at two special events.
Essential Meditation and Practice of Vajrayana Buddhism
Saturday, August 18th, 2018
Yoga Soup,
28 Parker Way
Santa Barbara, CA
Medicine Buddha Teaching and Healing Practice
Followed by Q & A Discussion
Sunday August 19th, 2018
1524 Anacapa St
Santa Barbara, CA
Venerable Khenpo Tsering Dorje Rinpoche is a revered Khenpo (senior teacher) at Namdrolling Monastery, the largest Nyingma Monastery in India.
Rinpoche was a teacher and head administration at His Holiness Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche's Shechen Monastery in Nepal, and later at Palyul Mother monastery in Tibet. Currently Rinpoche teaches in various monasteries in India as well as in his own centers in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Originally from Pemaköd, Rinpoche built the largest Palyul monastery in
Tuting, Pemaköd. In addition, three other monasteries are nearing completion
under his guidance in other parts of India.
Space is limited, so registration is recommended. $15 suggested donation for each event. If registering through PayPal, please indicate which events you plan to attend.
Or you may register via email odiyanainsb@gmail.com and donate at the door.
May All Beings Benefit

HH Dudjom Sangye Pema Shepa Rinpoche
to bestow the rare
Dechen Namrol Rigdzin Dupa Empowerment
We are excited and honored to announce that His Holiness Dudjom Sangye Pema Shepa -- reincarnation of HH Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, the Supreme Head of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism -- will visit Santa Barbara on June 25, 2018.
His Holiness will give an empowerment and transmission of the Dechen Namrol Rigdzin Düpa known as The Display of Great Exaltation, a treasure of his previous two incarnations, Dudjom Rinpoche and Dudjom Lingpa. This sadhana is widely practiced in Pemaköd, but has not previously been given in this country. This is a rare and precious opportunity to receive this empowerment from the very source of the Dudjom lineage blessings, and to connect with a powerful and authentic great master.
Thank you.
Tulku Orgyen Phuntsok
June 25, 2018 @ 6 to 9pm
Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort

Annual Nyung Nay Retreat
Celebration of Saga Dawa Month

Saturday June 2nd, 9:30 to Noon, 2-5pm and 6-7:30pm
Sunday June 3rd, 10 am Green Tara Practice
1524 Anacapa St. Santa Barbara, California
Nyung Nay is a powerful healing practice of Thousand Arms Chenrezig, it involves taking vows of fasting and silence as well as recitation of Sadhana and the Mantra of compassion.
While it is common for non-vegetarian practitioners to abstain from meat for the full month of Saga Dawa, Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche has specifically requested that all participants maintain a vegetarian diet during this event.
Health permitting, please eat a light breakfast beforehand (no garlic, onions, meat nor eggs).
Any questions: please email odiyanasb@gmail.com or call: 805-776-8018
May all Beings Benefit.
Dakini Retreat with Longevity Practice

Yeshe Tsogyal
Due to some very auspicious Dharma activities, this event has been postponed, please check later for some new dates.
The Wisdom Dakini Yeshe Tosgyal Practice is one of the three roots practices in the Nyingma Lineage of Vajrayana Buddhism.
This Yeshe Tsogyal Sadhana from Dudjom Treasure circle is a complete one. It includes purification and healing, enriching, magnetizing and subjugation.
Engaging in this practice brings much benefit and healing.
Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche was intriduced to this practice at a young age. He has devoted several personal retreats immersed in this practice.
Any questions: please email odiyanasb@gmail.com or call: 805-776-8018
May all Beings Benefit.

Dear Friends and Sangha members,
Tulku Orgyen has left to teach in Vietnam and Cambodia, followed by an extended stay on his retreat land in Pemaköd. He will return in early March.
While he is away this winter, Odiyana Institute will host a five-week study group on Shantideva's The Bodhisattva Way of Life. In addition to the assigned readings, we will all participate in wide-ranging (and no doubt lively) discussions on practical ways to use this material in our lives.
Please come and bring your thoughts on how Shantideva's writings can support and inspire our practice through bodhicitta.
When & Where:
We will meet weekly on Saturday afternoons from 2pm to 3:30pm at 1524 Anacapa Street.
The dates are Jan.13, 20, 27 Feb. 3, 10th.
Please contact Marie Janisse at odiyanainsb@gmail.com if you plan to attend.
Recommended donation of $10 per session goes to support the ongoing activities of Odiyana Institute.
Bodhicitta is precious,
May those who have not engendered it, engender it.
May those who have engendered it not destroy it.
May it ever grow and flourish.
We will continue to hold our Chenrezig Practice
(Buddha of Compassion)
Sundays from 10-11am
We also gather at 7pm twice a month for Tsok.
Dakini Day Tsok, December 11
Guru Rinpoche Day Tsok, December 28
1524 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara, CA
Losar celebration with a Buddha Puja
potluck on Feb 19th. Please join us.
Happy Holidays to each and all