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Tulku Orgyen will be teaching on Finding Rest in Illusion by Longchenpa later this fall. Keep an eye for the details' announcement.

Online Class Spring 2020

April 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

and May 5th

6:30-8pm PST

The class will be recorded and available

for replay for a week after each class.

Finding Rest in Meditation

by Longchenpa

Teachings by

Tulku Orgyen Phunstok

The text is widely available for purchase online. You may find it on the

publisher's website

Registration is closing on April 12th

We are suggesting a donation of $108 to attend this course. The money collected will go to Pemakod for installing pavement for the large courtyard in from of the Temple and the recently completed Lama House.

As always no one will be turned away for lack of fund, email if needed.


May this be for the benefit of all sentient Beings.

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